Bio-Cleaner of Toilet Pipe
Solution to grease dirt clogging,stretching and growing bacteria in the kitchen,pipe line,grease sink,etc.With a special nano-silver energy fluid added that it greatly enhandce permeability and control harmful microorganisms.
- No Excavation
- No Down time
- Lengthy sustainable
- Surgical seed and precise
- 100% nontoxic material used
- No harmful gases and acid burns
- Protect piping constriction and corrosion
Product Description

Toilet receives vast amount of harsh biological wastes such as spectrum,urine,vomiting,and numerous un-imaginable hard objects o cigaretts buds,toothpicks,paper etc...in du times,the biological wasters will turn into biosolids with the help of the bacteria and the hard objects provide carbon source to enrich the bioactivities and ideal nesting place for the biosolids cloggingand constricting the Urinal Bin Siphon "U" tube, the lateral sewer pipe and eventually caused toilet Flooding. Traditionally,physical excavation is the only way to unclog the toilet Tube and its connecting piping.This passive method is not just time consuming,it also unhygienic and very expensive as well. Bio-cleaner of toliet pipe is hybrid form of POA system, preventing the toilet tube and its connecting piping constriction, it does this in two ways: 1)it oxidizes microbial slimes that block leach lines; 2)it decomposes once permeated into the toliet tube and its connecting piping, liberating air bubble conversion from a liquid to a gas represents a volume expansion whereby the compacted soil is "lifed" and air space restored to th soil structure.
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